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networkstring bonked 19 Apr 2024 13:11 +0000
original: neil@mastodon.neilzone.co.uk

Let's say that you want to communicate "securely" with a professional (lawyer, accountant, doctor, whatever).

Nothing super-duper-secret.

What would be your preferred method(s)?

  • Signal
  • GPG'd email
  • Some kind of web portal
  • XMPP, Matrix, something like that
  • Something else

networkstring honked back 19 Apr 2024 13:10 +0000
in reply to: https://bloor.tw/users/bloor/statuses/112297789969057339

@bloor tell me you don't have school age kids without telling me you don't have school age kids! :D

Common practice for folks to move to an area, get their kids christened etc etc all to get into the school in the area with the perfect Ofsted / teacher-class-size ratio etc etc.

Meanwhile some of us get mildly annoyed when the secular state school invites an "exciting storytelling project" called "Open the Book" to school assemblies and it's actually missionaries; https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/get-involved/open-the-book/

glares at 'daily collective worship' legislation